Pyrios Convergence Private Limited is responsible for the processing of personal data such asshown in this privacy statement.
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited processes your personal data because you provide these to us yourself.Below you will find an overview of the personal data that we process:
- NamePyrios Convergence Private Limited does not collect and process your personal data. Your company provides us your email ID which we provision for login by you.
In addition to the data mentioned in the previous paragraphs, we do not process any special and / orsensitive personal data of you.
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited processes your personal data for the following purposes:
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited uses the above personal data to respond to your queries with areas of your interest and/or quotations. For this we use our standard email service and excel sheets.
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited does not make automated decisions about matters thatcan have consequences for people. This concerns, for example, decisions that will betaken by computer programs or systems, without a human being there (for examplePyrios Convergence Private Limited employee).
As long as the business relationship between you and Pyrios Convergence Private Limited is maintained,the aforementioned personal data form an integral part of our aforementionedsystems. After termination of the business relationship, your data will be removed from our systems on your request.
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited only shares your personal data with third parties when this is the casenecessary for the execution of the agreement, to comply with anylegal obligation, or to implement our business administration process. Pyrios Convergence Private Limited remains responsible for these processes.
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited does not use cookies or similar technologies.
Pyrios Convergence Private Limited takes the protection of your data seriously and takes itappropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanteddisclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that yourdata are not properly protected or there are indications of abuse, please contact us via